

A short animated film from Carbon Visuals is being used to engage managers around the world about the fundamentals of sustainability, how sustainability is relevant to their role and its importance to business success. Created for the University of Cambridge Institute...
Fluid Metering System Animation

Fluid Metering System Animation

A fluid metering system. One of those jobs where the actual animation and modelling was easy – the difficulty was translating what the client wanted into as simple an animation as possible. I spent much more time in meetings and looking at schematics than producing...
Bristol Airport – Catamaran Jammin’ Two

Bristol Airport – Catamaran Jammin’ Two

I was given a very open brief for this job – basically, to look at some rough designs of an existing Catamaran and come up with something newer and more modern. The client needed these to promote a new holiday destination promotion and was very happy. “What an...
The Old Dairy – London

The Old Dairy – London

This project was a classic case of a client bringing me some work from an architect and saying “can you make it look pretty?” so they can start to market the development. In this case, the client was able to provide me with a Sketchup model and a mood board, and I...


Two simple residential houses for a first-time property developer. It’s important to get nice CGIs made as soon as possible – that way they are on sale for as long as the actual development takes place. The ideal scenario is to have them sold long before the...